13 Benefits of Garlic for Health and Beauty - Garlic away by people, because thinking about a pungent odor, and if we consume garlic then we will also sweat smell. But garlic turned out to save a lot of properties and benefits to health and beauty. So, if you include observers beauty and your health from now on be brave with garlic.
So what are the benefits of garlic for health and beauty? as mentioned in the website Tempo.co, benefits of garlic is very much, at least 13 benefits you get, let's see.
13 Benefits of Garlic for Health and Beauty
- Weight control. Nutritionist Cynthia Sass said that studies in rats who ate garlic showed a reduction in body weight and fat storage. So, try to cook every meal using garlic to make a delicious meal and also produce a slim waist.
- Garlic can cure flake. Placing a clove of garlic on the wound shattered glass, then cover it with a bandage that traditional medicine has long been used by the public.
- Garlic can cure athlete's foot. With anti-fungus properties, garlic can be a panacea for sports athletes to relieve itching in the legs. Soak feet in a vessel of warm water and chopped garlic.
- Can keep mosquitoes. According to one study in India found that the people who rub garlic herb in their arms and legs, not being disturbed by mosquitoes.
- Heal canker sores. According to the site ECOSALON, containing garlic supplement that can help the healing process on sprue disease. Given the nature of these anti-inflammatory, garlic can help reduce pain and swelling.
- Nourish hair. Ever heard that garlic can overcome the loss. With a high content of allicin, similar to sulfur compounds found in garlic, is believed to be effective to solve the problem of hair loss. Rub garlic on slices and scalp massage, massage to get maximum results. Garlic can also add oil, then massaged into the head.
- Clear acne. Garlic is a natural remedy that can repel stains including acne, because it contains antioxidants that can kill bacteria. The trick: Rub a slice of garlic on the pimples on the face slowly.
- Prevent and treat the flu. The content of antioxidants in it, garlic makes the human body's immune system to get the benefits. If the flu over, try drinking tea garlic, put sliced or minced garlic in hot water for a few minutes, then strain. Ready to drink tea. Can also add a little honey or ginger to taste.
- Soothe skin diseases. Since it has been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties, garlic is useful to reduce the spread of skin diseases. Try rubbing a little garlic oil on the affected area of skin that people eat more refined results.
- Natural glue. Garlic contains a natural adhesive quality, many people believe and use it to repair cracks in the glass object. Crush a few cloves and a few cloves of garlic, then apply the material to the parts to be glued.
- Clean up the streets of snow. A city in Iowa to use garlic salt a contribution to clean ice from the highway embankment.
- Protect crops. Plant pests do not like garlic. Use a natural pesticide made from garlic, mineral oil, water, and liquid soap. Pour into a spray container and spray the plants.
- Many fish can. Fish are very interested in the scent of garlic that is linked to the bait.
Source: Garlic Benefits for Health
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